Currently a subscriber but unable to access due to cert auth error. Have tried everything possible. I can't even sign out to start over. I'm ready to cancel.
Fabulous way to read the Sun!!
Poor English. Opinion as fact...
Get USA Today instead of SUN1
I like not having to turn the pages of the paper to read the whole story!
I can quickly read the news
The Gainesville Sun has always had a liberal bias in reporting the news. That liberal bias has now escalated into a liberal "selection" of which stories to cover. Most any news that might relect negatively on a liberal issue or person, is not reported. Examples: absolutely no coverage of Cuomo nursing home and sexual harassment stories, Hunter Biden questions, Rush Limbaugh death, continuing civil unrest and rioting in Portland and Seattle, increases in illegal immigrant border crossings, etc.
Not Bad...
The eEdition of the newspaper has the same feel as the print edition without the page turning...except for the grocery ad circulars.
I used to deliver the Sun in the afternoons in the early 1950s